Female President takes the helm at Horizon Partners NW
Cammy Wittrell has been working alongside Founder and CEO, Mike Bartlett at Horizon Partners Northwest for the last 16 years, providing hands-on management and oversight for more than 25 properties under Horizons purview. Recently, Cammy accepted a promotion to President, establishing herself as a female leader in an industry typically dominated by males.
“It has been a privilege to work alongside Cammy since 2002,” said HPNW Founder and CEO, Mike Bartlett, “Promoting her to President is not only the natural fit, but it’s a move that will position Horizon Partners as an industry leader, continuing to provide the excellent customer service we offer to our tenants.”
Cammy has worked in the real estate industry since she was 24. Initially working with landlords as a tenant representative for a widely known telecom provider, she learned firsthand what tenants expect for customer service. In her current role, Cammy represents the landlord, acting as if these properties were her own and continually working behind the scenes to make sure her tenants receive the appropriate level of customer service they deserve.
Tanja Bishop, Director of Staff Support at BCRA, and a tenant of Horizon Partners since June 2000, supports that commitment, “Cammy is so responsive. If our employees have any concerns, she mitigates the issue right away. We feel very special; Cammy would do anything for us and that feeling is mutual.” Cammy agrees. “It feels good to be part of a such a wonderful place [HPNW] and working with great tenants like BCRA,” says Cammy. “Coming to work and loving what you do for a living is such a blessing.”
Cammy has served a few different roles during her time at Horizon, working alongside only two other individuals over the course of the last 16 years. Starting out as a property manager, she grew into her current role as an asset manager in 2009, diligently working to analyze Mike’s investment decisions to make sure they’re in the best interest of both Mike and his investors. Starting Horizon Partners from the ground-up, Mike invested his own blood, sweat and tears into the current-day thriving business that realizes potential in properties throughout the Pacific Northwest and beyond.
And their success continues to grow. In the next year, Horizon Partners will lead the Brewery Blocks Tacoma redevelopment project [www.breweryblockstacoma.com], an adaptive reuse project that will focus on preserving and restoring the historic industrial structures while reinventing the Downtown Tacoma community through a variety of retail, class-A office and residential spaces. From curbside coffee shops to cideries and restaurants, Brewery Blocks Tacoma plans to offer a little something for everyone. And it has already garnered the interest of many local retailers. Surrounding businesses like 7 Seas Brewing, Holiday Inn Express and UW Tacoma are thrilled about it too. “Getting support from the community is essential for success. We’re excited to see the results of this project.” says Cammy.